Tag Archives: Iron

Reloading and Going Again!

After a long blog hiatus post Melbourne Ironman its time to start again!

Safe to say if you have read any of my previous posts Melbourne Ironman didn’t go exactly to plan!
3 punctures during the cycle really changed my outlook of the day. That being said, happy with the achievement and looking forward to going again!

For that reason I have decided to do Busselton Ironman (Western Australia) event in December 2014.

Busselton is a challenging course for several reasons.
1. December in Australia is Summer, And summer here.. if you’ve seen the postcards and TV shows.. It’s pretty hot! Averaging in the Mid 30’s (mid 80’s for my American readers)
2. Western Australia and Busso is known for strong winds.
3. Doing an Ironman shortly after hockey season is going to limit parts of my preparation.

I will also look to make a few changes for the race..
1. In Melbourne although it was interrupted I wasn’t thrilled with my nutrition. I had almost 20 gels as well as honey sandwiches during the ride and run legs. Just felt as though my sugar intake was far far to high, I had abdominal cramping severely during the run. So I am trialling UCAN, and will look to alter my nutrition further to include more solids and more savoury over the day.
2. I will incorporate strength and core training throughout. I think my hamstring tendinopathy, although flared up by my excessive running was due to poor flexibility and core strength.
3. Bought myself a Garmin Vector, So will be able to track my power output to keep myself more honest on longer rides.

Currently whilst still playing hockey for the Mighty Mornington Falcons (5-2) and 2nd-3rd on the ladder if you don’t mind. I’m managing most weeks.. 2 x Swims (3km Squads), 1 x Run (10-15km), 3 x Rides (Approx 200km total a week), 2-3 Hockey sessions (including a game) a week. Also managing to do some bike races over the weekends. Got a win in C Grade last week! And I turned 30. Yeh, i’m getting old… And still staying busy!

Soaking up the victory!

Soaking up the victory!

Anyways. The blog is back. Enjoy it. Give me shit about it! Any feedback over the journey is most welcome.
Less than 6 months to go.


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